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Health Care Clown Pathways

The “Health Care Clown Pathways” project is a Strategic Partnership supporting the innovation in the Educational and Vocational Training Sector (VET).

This project has been created for the importance of the professional role of the Healthcare Clown professional in the performing arts, aimed at assist and relieve the patients’ anxiety and fear, especially in children and elders, in the healthcare institutions and social care services.

This project was born to provide for this gap in the training sector.

The project has the following objectives: to design, to realize, to test and validate an innovative training proposal, aimed at defining the competences requested to work as Healthcare Clown in a sharing and transferable manner at European level; proposing the European level training standards to obtain the qualified profession as Healthcare Clown, referring to ECVET and EQF Systems.

These objectives will be achieved through the following Intellectual Output:

  • European guidelines that include the definition of the profession of the Healthcare Clown, in terms of key competences and professional qualification according to the standard of the ECVET system (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training) and EQF system (European Qualifications Framework).

  • Methodological Framework for design and implementation of the training formal pathway, transferable at European level to achieve the Professional Qualification of Healthcare Clown, professional in the performing arts, on the basis on the EQF and ECVET Systems.

  • Experimentation of some formal pathways in Italy, Latvia, Norway. The objective of this pilot courses consists in testing the course’s structure, the training objectives, the organization facilities, the training methods, the didactic materials with the aim of a final validation.

  • Digital Resources Centre (this web page): a web platform that will make available and accessible the results of the intellectual output, the pilot courses realized, studies and researches, tools and methods, didactic materials, audio recording and video (videos, interviews, multimedia resources) of the activities carried out, on the basis of OER (Open Educational Resources).

Hccp Soccorso Clown


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VHC – Virtual Healthcare Clown

ID: 2022-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000087216

In collaboration with:

Soccorso Clown

Spazio Reale Formazione

Blue Room Innovation

Humor Hilft Heilen

Palhaços d'Opital

  • Facebook - Bianco Circle
  • Instagram - Bianco Circle


Caterina Turi - Chief Financial Officer

Soccorso Clown S.C.S. Impresa Sociale E.T.S.

via Montebello, 32 50123 Firenze, Italia

Phone: +39 055 470305

Mobile: +39 3392853434

This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This website reflects the view only of the author,

and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

All rights reserved by Spazio Reale Formazione ©2020

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