The positive experience of the HCCP Project, at its natural end, and the years of the Covid pandemic, have generated the conception of the new VHC Project, funded by the Erasmus+ 2022 Program.
Virtual Healthcare Clown project is a Cooperation Partnership in the field of Vocational Education and Training aimed at producing a digitally focused syllabus and co-designed procedures, tools and competences in order to adapt “Healthcare Clowns” Organisations in Europe to the needs and conditions of the labour market and to increase attractiveness of VET.

The “Health Care Clown Pathways” project is a Strategic Partnership supporting the innovation in the Educational and Vocational Training Sector (VET).
This project has been created for the importance of the professional role of the Healthcare Clown professional in the performing arts, aimed at assist and relieve the patients’ anxiety and fear, especially children and elders, in the healthcare institutions and social care services. This project has born to provide for this gap in the training sector.

News & Events

Italian Healthcare Clown's Pathway is ready to start
The training course will start on November 25th.
234 hours: 162 class + 72 stage.
More info: info@soccorsoclown.it

Final Event
in Florence
The final event tooks place in Florence on 26 March 2022 with the Italian partners in presence and the foreign partners connected online.